The 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE" was raised on June 10 1945.

Instead of creating the brigade with new units, the General Staff decided
that the brigade would be formed with
the 1st Fuselier Battalion, the 2nd Fuselier Battalion and the 3rd Fuselier Battalion
completed with conscripts.

From June 23h 1945 until the beginning of July 1945
the brigade was shipped and tranported to Northern Ireland.

North Sea, June 25 1945, on the way to Belfast.
Soldiers of the IInd Battalion
with emblem representing the Formation Badge


Following military camps were occupied by the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE" :

Headquarters at Lisburn
1st Battalion at Crumlin
2nd Battalion at Antrim
3rd Battalion at Lurgen

The entire brigade underwent a thorough training.

From November 22 1945 until December 1 1945 the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE" left Northern Ireland
for the United Kingdom where they stayed until the end of January 1946.

View on the Niessen huts
of the 2nd Battalion
6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE"
at Antrim
Leave Pass  

The 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE" returned to Belgium on January 28 1946.

The 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE" was transferred to Germany where it took part in the occupation.

Commanding Officers :
Colonel VAN DEN ABEELE From the start until October 14 1945
Colonel DE PAUW from October 20 1945 until the return to Belgium





As the The first formation badge contains the formation badges worn by the three fuselier battalions
that made up the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE".

In the left upper corner a green shamrock.
Center left : the Formation Badge worn by the 1st Fuselier Battalion,
the Formation Badge of the 1st British Army Corps.
Center right : the Formation Badge worn by the 3rd Fuselier Battalion, a red heraldic lion.
Beneath : the Formation Badge worn by the 2nd Fuselier Battalion,
the Formation Badge of the 1st Canadian Army.
The whole on a white shield.

1st Formation Badge of the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE"

By decree of the Belgian Minister of Defense, issued on June 15 1945,
all the infantry brigades had to wear a more uniform badge.

The 2nd formation badge contained the same symbols for all the brigades, but more rationalised.

The badges from the first delivery had a yellow shamrock (!!!) but nobody seemed to matter
until the commanding officer of the 4th Infantry Brigade wrote a letter to the Minister of Defense
explaining that it was impossible to wear this badge in Northern Ireland without being ridiculised.

All brigades, except the 4th Infantry Brigade "STEENSTRAETE",
received a second delivery with the correct shamrock.

1st Formation Badge of the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE"
with green shamrock
  1st Formation Badge of the 6th Infantry Brigade "DEYNZE"
with yellow shamrock


The 6th Infantry Brigade "Deynze" is also the only brigade
that wore an arm title with the Flemish (Dutch) text "Deinze".

Arm Title of the 6th Infdantry Brigade "Deynze"


Lapel Badge worn on civilian clothing


Germany, beginning 1946.
Several NCO's with the 2nd formation badge during an ENSA representation.
NCO with 1st Formation Badge on left sleeve

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